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Submission by Caridad Mercedes Valdespino Salazar, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba August, 2020
Guantánamo, Cuba, is one of the provinces with the greatest cultural richness and is the cradle of one of the most emblematic dances at the national level, the changüí. This is a genre that, since the 19th century, has erupted in the fields of Guantanamo specifically in the territories of Yateras, El Salvador, Manuel Tames and Guantánamo. Cuba’s culture is playful, joyous and Cubans are always ready to share and laugh together. The changüí truly captures the heart of Cuba in its social and jovial nature, addictive mind tickling syncopation and community spirit.
Since 1860, this tradition has been maintained by families and communities across this region. The people here participate in festivals and community gatherings, where people from different social classes meet in a kind of inter-family celebration with music, verse, dance and fun. In these they simulated their customs and the way of life of rural, urban and other areas that covered the eastern region. The music is more syncopated and the verse and patterns of the music can change and be improvised upon.
The changüí is filled with lyrics that create witty songs to entertain, amuse and enjoy. These free form lyrics are often improvised based on the inspiration of the singer or the musical group. A characteristic of this music is the montuno where the soloist leads in improvisation, alternating with the chorus. The music is playful and good natured at heart.
Currently there are several groups carrying this genre, such as the this group, which is recognized for its work in spreading nationally and internationally this indigenous rhythm of the Cuban upper east: The changüí.
En Espanól
Guantánamo, Cuba, es una de las provincias de mayor riqueza cultural y es la cuna de uno de los bailes más emblemáticos a nivel nacional, el changüí, género que desde el siglo XlX irrumpe los campos guantanameros especificamente en Los territorios de Yateras, El Salvador, Manuel Tames y Guantánamo. Las familias iniciaron y mantienen esta tradición desde 1860 celebrando fiestas nombradas: Guateques, en estas se reunían personas de diferentes clases sociales en una especie de festejo interfamiliar con música, verso, baile y diversión. En estas simulaban sus costumbres y el modo de vida de las zonas rurales, urbanas y otras que abarcaban la región oriental.
El changüí, tiene como característica un compás de 2×4 con letras de los cantos ocurrentes de acuerdo con la ispiración del cantante o el grupo musical y el montuno donde el solista lleva la guía de las improvisaciones alternando con el coro que corresponde al estribillo.
Actualmente existen varios grupos portadores de este género como por ejemplo el grupo Changüí Guantánamo el cual es reconocido por su labor de difundir a nivel nacional e internacional este ritmo autóctono del alto oriente cubano: El changüí.