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An Intro to Afro-Haitian Drumming of Santiago de Cuba with Oliener Pereria

Learn some of the basic fundamentals of Afro Haitian drumming from my good friend Oliener Pereria of Santiago de Cuba. Olie is one of my teachers and closest friends in Cuba. He is a dedicated musician, dancer and a pure Cuban spirit who loves sharing his culture and music with us.  Please read on below the video for how you can continue learning with Oliener and how you can support him to continue sharing his knowledge with us during CoVid and beyond.


If you are interested in learning more Afro Cuban and Afro Haitian Drumming, please subscribe here to get the updates on new videos and courses as we get them from Cuba.  The Return to the Roots Rhythm Series on The Breath of Cuba is a way to help support artists through the CoVid Crisis.  Artists and musicians in Cuba depend on tourism for their liveliehood and during this time, your contributions of any kind are deeply appreciated.  Ask me how you can help a Cuban artist and if you’d like to contribute, please send your contribution via paypal to breathofcuba@ gmail. com with the name of the artist you’d like to support or ask about the Cuban PenPal Project which is a direct way you can help them to stay in communication with the world, and to share their wisdom and teachings with us.


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