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My Morning Bliss in Trinidad, Cuba

A village awakens.  The soft clicking of horse hooves on cobblestone.  Roosters and barking dogs greet the dawn as the symphony of life begins again.

A street vendor’s strong clear voice breaks the silence as his rhythmical incantation echoes across the pastels of old colonial facades, proud relics of a time long passed.  “Pan,” he calls out.  

I love the mornings here.  Life is integrated.  We are all entering this day together, each touched and reminded of our shared humanity by the presence of the other moving past windows and doors, living shamelessly, sharing in every breath.

The sound of concrete on steel strikes a chord.  The beautiful form next to me stirs to rise for his day.  Arms as big as my thighs pull me close for a few more moments together in stillness.  I sink in, breathe deep and cherish every moment nestled into the heart of this proud warrior, listening to the sounds I’ve come to love so much of the day beginning.  

Outside, the artisans emerge from narrow streets setting up their crafts on make shift tables with flimsy tarps and constant bantering amongst themselves.  Doors and windows open to let the daylight in.  The chatter of the artisans now a constant hum with more street vendors calling out to sell their stuff in any doorway they find a customer. 

With his kiss still lingering on my lips, I close my door behind me to venture to the mountain top for my morning meditation and prayers of gratitude. 

The sea sparkles like diamonds cast out from the mountaintops that frame this majestic city in a natural embrace unlike any other.  White sand beaches disappear into brilliant colorful reefs.  

Rolling green mountains stretching the horizon make a picture perfect place rich in nature’s bounties.  The presence of peace permeates this place. 

Stillness finds me here.  



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