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Timeless Love

The soft chuckling of hens scratching around in the brush picking at anything they can find to eat is accompanied by the gentle swish of a broom clearing the walkways of leaves and dust and the occasional thud of falling…

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A Parade of Memories

I am guilty of not remembering them on this Memorial Day.  They are not first and foremost on my mind even though in my heart I am grateful for all they have done in service to freedom.  Those who lost…

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Cuba Re-Opening for Travelers – CoVid 19

Avid Cuban travelers, dancers and beach seekers are anxiously awaiting news on when we can return to the jewel of the Caribbean, and news has been coming out since May about openings and attempts at opening.  The latest, breaking news is that Cuba plans to reopen its beach resorts to international tourism but with great precautions and little by little.
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